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스크린샷 2019-04-15 오후 6.13.17.png
스크린샷 2019-12-11 오후 4.57.56.png
제품썸네일 BT Shea 진짜.001.jpeg

Natural moisturizing emulsifier 

obtained through shea butter fermentation

스크린샷 2019-12-11 오후 5.14.48.png
스크린샷 2019-12-11 오후 4.57.56.png

- Active ingredients that are bio-converted(fermented)

- Maximizing the efficacy and skin absorption by metabolites

#fermented vitamins

#fermented oils

#fermented extracts



- Active ingredients designed for  high performance and purity

- Smart complex of actives based on scientific research

- Exclusive technology to improve the efficacy

#Complex of the selected herbs

#Smart combination of peptides


- Preservatives that maximizing natural preservative materials

- Easy to use(premixed)

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